Partaking Of The Christ-Life

We are interconnected with the Life of God and exhibit the evidences of this shared Life.

About Dr. Shawn Smith.

With more than two decades of fruitful apostolic ministry, Dr. Shawn Smith is an ordained minister, prolific author, international preacher and theological authority in the Gospel revealed to Apostle Paul. 

He is the Apostolic Overseer of Gospel of Christ Ministries, an ever-expanding network of churches, with an internet fellowship community of saints who follow his teachings via live stream in over 25 nations in Africa, and 100 nations in the rest of the world. His pastoral ministry feeds countless saints beyond denominational barriers, and multitudes have been reached through his book, “Jesus Christ + 0 = Everything”, distributed freely worldwide, and available in nine different languages.

The Divine Mandate.

Dr. Shawn Smith has the divine commission to “present the revelation of Christ Jesus, the loveliness of His Person and the Perfection of His work with excellence and clarity for the rising of the glorious Church”. He shares this divine mandate with his wife Dr. Annie Smith.

Upcoming Missions

Christ Commission International

"Euangelion: A Complete Theological Appraisal of the Good News"

C.C.I Minnesota,USA 2024

The Lord builds His Church by building men and women. Mark your calendar and prepare to join Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith for an Apostolic equipping encounter in Minnesota, USA, from the 25th to the 27th of July 2024.

Theme: Euangelion: A Complete Theological Appraisal of the Good News.

#Missions continue

C.C.I South Africa 2024

We are participants with Christ. In Him we have our origin; we have our concrete reality. This union and participation has a telos, it has a purpose. Our Theology should lead to Ecclesiology and our Ecclesiology should lead to Missiology. Dr. Shawn Smith will be coming to South Africa this August(18th - 22nd) for the second phase of his Apostolic Mission with Apostle James Bayana.

Join Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith in this special mission.

C.C.I Uganda 2024

It is the Father's pleasure to give us the Kingdom; it is His pleasure that we participate in that which will lead to the rejoicing of nations. Apostolic Mission to the nations continues. Mark your calendar and prepare to welcome Dr. Shawn Smith in Kampala for the third edition of Christ Commission International Uganda from August 28th to 31st with Bishop Godfrey Luwagga.

Join Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith in this special mission.

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Our Communion With Life, Light And Love

The First, Second, and Third Epistles of John the Theologian are homiletical letters written to the “Called Out” community to re-establish them in the ancient Apostolic transmission amid schisms and heresies that were creeping into the first-century Apostolic Church...

Blessed With All Blessings

"In reading Paul we can sense his continual revelatory surprise as he articulates the unspeakable communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit into human language understood in expressions beyond words. His Apostolic Kerygma is not simply a teaching but a Living Transmission which is imparted to a reintegrated...

Consecrated To The Call

An Exegetical Commentary on the Apostolic, Doctrinal and Practical Instructions on Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy.In his last testament to the Church, Paul adopts an informal and affectionate tone to transmit this apostolic wisdom to Timothy, and by extension to us, as he lays out the spiritual guidelines to stay the course...

Audio teachings.

Hegeomai 2024 - Operation Sonship Governance

"For us this year of our Lord 2024, the Lord says it is an operation. It is “Operation Sonship Governance,” derived from the New Testament Greek verb "Hegeomai,” which means to rule, to exercise authority over, to exercise regal power...

The five most transformative series of 2023

Christ at the Father's right hand is reordering creation through the "Ekklesia", through His Church, until the restitution of all things. For this to happen, we must be educated, equipped, and prepared for what God has prepared for us...

Christ the apostolate of the blessing

Jesus Christ, the Messianic Seed of Abraham, upon His resurrection, has entered a more excellent ministry where He's been sent by the Father to bless us. He has the Apostleship of the Father’s blessing which consists in turning us from iniquity, restoring us to a life of serenity and inner tranquility...


"The continent of Africa and the nations will see the power of the empowerment that is taking you to another level in the glory and the anointing of Almighty God."
H.E.Ap. Dr. Christian Harfouche
Theologian & Founder of IMI
"One thing I know, is that wherever Shawn SMITH is, the Gospel will be found in its fullness."
Dr. warren litzman
Dr. Warren Litzman
Theologian - Christ Life Fellowship
"I'm truly amazed to see what you have done to build a network of Churches on the revelation of our inclusion in Christ."
Rev. John Crowder
Rev. John Crowder
Theologian - Sons of Thunder


Holy Spirit

Leadings And Perceptions

The work of Christ is not activated by us, but we walk conscious of our new way of being, which is the Kingdom. God has ...
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Science of Grace

Grace – God’s Measureless Gift

To create all things cost God absolutely nothing but to bring us into the fullness of grace, the Eternal Logos had to become incarnate through ...
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Growth in Christ

You Have Not So Learned Christ

For the salvation of your soul, it is needful for you to hear rightly because the moment you stop hearing, you stop learning. Nothing is ...
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